Drifting Mindlessly

We spend most of our days similarly because the outside stimuli control us. Unless we pause the aimless wandering and reflect, life doesn’t change much.

  • An Amazon notification pops up saying ‘70 percent off for a limited time.’ I click on it and scroll although I don’t want anything.
  • I receive a work email that requires me to revise a deck. I make the required changes. I share the revised deck.
  • I get tired of sitting at my desk. I step outside of the home to feel the air. But not knowing what to do next, I come inside and lie down.

Dull? Yes.  

That’s how we spend our days. And nothing’s odd about it as life isn’t an everlasting carnival. But the constant occupation and busyness barely leave space for what’s essential.

How routines drive our lives

Routines are our normal.

It’s the way we do things repeatedly, daily – to earn money, to amuse ourselves, and to seek pleasure. But routines also distract us from what really matters. Following them is an easy way to pass life mindlessly.

Hence, the lack of meaning

It’s easy to get stuck in an endless loop of Netflixing, emailing, and keeping up-ing.

In fact, we often prefer this way and let life occur in auto mode. That’s because it’s tougher to confront our feelings, explore our wishes, or overcome our ignorance about our drawbacks.

Yet, how far can we run?

The fundamental question still remains: are we living our lives like we wanted to, or at least, like we had planned to?

If not, then are we at least assessing our efforts, introspecting courageously, and discovering what we really want? It’s time we took control.