Category: Success


Still an Impostor?

It’s funny how we think that someday our doubts won’t bother us anymore.


We Must Be Afraid of Staying Where We Are

“…because when we don’t move and get used to doing stuff the way we’ve always done it, we surrender to complacency.”


Only Until You Do It

You only wonder “how can I do it?” until one day you do.


The Feeling of “Getting There”

The euphoria of moving forward is what impels us to outperform what we do. It’s what keeps us hopeful when nothing extraordinary happens.


How Ability Grows

We become capable of doing more even before we realize it. Soon, we’re doing the unexpected, the new, and participating in work that we weren’t cut out for.


Until It Becomes Intuitive

A clear sign that you’re improving at your craft is when your actions become intuitive and you don’t need to be as attentive anymore.
