
The stuff on your mind can feel full and fuzzy. It consumes your attention and sucks your energy … unless you choose to resolve it or get rid of it.

Unloading helps you do that.

So, how do unload? Here are a few ways:

Ways that I used to hush the fuzziness in my head after twiddling with my emotions and making multiple attempts at organizing the chaos. Pick the ones that work for you.

You unload …

  • … thoughts by writing them down
  • … ideas by making them tangible (or giving them a form)
  • … to-do lists by checking off the items
  • … professional insecurities by working
  • … a plan by committing to it (and starting)
  • … pain by surrendering to it
  • … a fear by facing it
  • … distractions by noting them

And when you’re done – you walk around feeling lighter, easier, and less bogged down by stress, and less haunted unaccomplished plans.

Smooth, right?