Category: Success


When It Stops Feeling Easy

You’re free to choose a way out of love and passion – but what do you do when the difficulty escalates?


Out of Love and Courage

It took me six years to get here – and I’m not talking about my writing skills but the outlook that took so long.



What does it take to perform better, or even exceptionally?


Using the Wrong Parameters

When it comes to assessing anything, we fall prey to superficiality and misleading appearances.


A Humble “Not Yet” Comes in Handy

I feel like a pessimist when I shake my head as an answer to whether I’m growing in certain facets of life. At the same time, stating that I lack something seems like self-bashing.


Doing Something, Not Everything

Put all your aspirations in a to-do list, cram them in your schedule, and yet you’ll realize how ineffective that can be.
