Category: Uncategorized

Getting Outside

If you don’t get outside every day, even for a minute, you have not appreciated what God had done. It makes you grateful for our surroundings, and it starts your day differently. — Johnny Cash


Can’t Postpone Living

It’s okay to know that you’ll be working and making PPTs for a long time. You’ll pass many of your days waiting for weekends and paydays.


One Voice to Get Moving

Groups often turn quiet, not because nobody has anything to say but because people expect others to say what they’ve been holding inside.


What Is Happiness to You?

This simple question clears up many complications in life as you sort out what is important to you with all honesty.  


Peace Attracts Peace

It’s common to miss out on the pleasantness around us when we’re too busy and stuck in chaos.


The Limits That You Believe In

Habituation to your limits makes you incapable of seeing how you’re molded by them.
