“I kept a diary right after I was born.
Day 1: Tired from the move.
Day 2: Everyone thinks I’m an idiot.”– Steven Wright
Has it ever happened to you that something made you feel like you’re the only idiot in this whole world until you met someone who made you realize that you weren’t alone?
Then you might have high-fived each other and said in surprise “you too?”
How bad is that moment when you feel like an idiot, and how great is the one when you know that everyone else is too.
Let me clear it – idiocy is one of the fundamental qualities of all humans.
No matter how much sincere and disciplined you think the person next to you is, he is too an idiot. The same is with all other people.
You don’t need to feel like a retard when something goes wrong, neither you need to apologize for simple silly mistakes which you make, and nor do you need to wonder about whether everyone else thinks if you really are one.
1. What do you think is the reason why people laugh at memes?
There’s a mutual stupidity which we all have in common, and that makes us laugh at stupid things. How stupid!
2. Have you ever observed people smiling without a reason? Well, they have a reason though. They smile for some crazy reasons and memories. After all, no one would laugh at the ordinary memories.
3. One more fact is that we like craziness. There’s hardly anything which is enjoyed as much as craziness. The strictness of an army, the brilliance of a scientist, or the craziness of your foolish friend, what would be a better reason behind your laughter among these?
There isn’t anything which can be used to measure the idiocy of humans. However, there’s one quality of humans which makes some people seem disciplined and sincere while others stupids.
It’s all about how much one expresses – yes you read it right. Let me repeat again, stupidity is just a matter of how much one expresses.
Suppose that you were watching a Superman movie and wondering why the superhero wears his underwear on his pants, alright?
Now others too might be thinking the same thing.
But just in case you ask the question that why does he wear underwear on his pants, who would be regarded as an idiot? Obviously you. You may even become the temporary clown and a good subject to laugh at.
Even others were thinking about what was going on in your head, but just because you expressed it, you were taken as an idiot, you see?
But expressing cannot make you an idiot, and neither hiding it make you a genius.
If you are an idiot, just know it
If you are an idiot, just know it. Don’t say you aren’t. Everyone is.
I don’t have any specific reason to tell you to be an idiot. But what I’m explaining is that even if you behave like one you don’t become one.
A little bit of Idiocy adds spice to life. If being somewhat an idiot can make you happy, be one.
If you are an idiot and you know it, then you’re not an idiot.
“I’m not afraid to look like an idiot.” – Anthony Bourdain
Should you be an idiot too?
Now let’s get a bit real. Do you enjoy idiots that much?
I’ll assume that you’ve said “Not that much.” If you answered “yes!” then I’ll suppose that you must be an idiot too and just ignore you.
Okay fine, I too agree that being an idiot is cool at times, and that everyone enjoys it. We all love being idiots, but not always.
The world is already suffering due to the fools that exist. They’re intolerable and growing each day. Wait … I guess that I’ve already created a lot of confusion.
To be an idiot or to not is the question
If you are being an idiot, be less of it, and prevent becoming a total irritating jerk. That’s all.
Use your stupidity as table salt, always in proper proportion. Because some of it will always be useful for your humor, happiness, and for the people around you.