No Silver Bullets

Silver Bullet Syndrome is the belief that the next big change in tools, resources, or procedures will miraculously or magically solve all of an organization’s problems. [Source]


Comes at Risk of Being Boring

Recently I was reevaluating what matters to me and figuring how ways to make time for activities that I want to do.


Choosing Intuition Over Indulgence

“When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” – Victor Frankl


Excess Positivity: Kind of Garbage

Toxic Positivity

You’ve probably heard that excess of anything is bad. Sugar, phone usage, or leg exercises. And so is excess positivity.


Happiness, Exaggerated

Tell people to always be happy and they put up a pretense. They fake their smiles, deny sadness and shun other fragile emotions.


Avoiding Emotional Distractions (and Fixing Life)

You don’t refill the fuel tank when your car has a flat tire or drink cough syrup when you get a cut on your finger. Any effort must be directed where the fix is required, right?
