When You Question Your Abilities

Although I’d like to nail everything I do, I fail badly. It sucks to admit how my doubts hinder me. I often question my abilities and become stuck – I’m as human as it gets.

Sometimes my introspection turns into overthinking. Fear crawls in me – so I procrastinate. I look at people who do the same job better than me. Then I look at myself, and I ask myself “Am I any good?”

I can’t go on unless I have an answer to that question.

It’s tough to go on without the little inner-spark that ignites you as it pushes you to keep going. But sometimes it dampens, and you feel lost.  

We’re not infallible 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced big shot or a beginner – you’ll doubt yourself at some stage. You’ll feel stuck and become baffled when you fail to fend off that emotion.

You’ll question your abilities.

What do you do then? When your self-belief turns cold, inspiration hides under a rock, and your imagination numbs?

How do you break out the trap then?

I don’t want to fake being a genius here, but after struggling with the same thing over years, here’s what seems to work for me: start with the smallest act possible.

It works every time.

Start with anything that can break the ice and make you believe in yourself again. For example, I’ll simply make a note in my diary when I write. Or I create a blank word doc with just the title when I have to create a strategy.

After starting, do this


Sometimes it takes nothing special to crumble your internal resistance. No extra skills or ideas. Only doing what you’ve been doing, the same way, maybe slightly better.

Once you do that, repeat. When you get tired, repeat. It’s what most people would avoid. It’s also hard and boring and yet necessary. But what I’ve realized is that work breeds more self-belief.

And do it until you feel like you’re deserving

Perhaps, success doesn’t ask for genius but honesty and commitment.

So, if I fail to keep up with my expectations and begin doubting my abilities: I’ll start with the smallest act. And then I’ll practice until I feel like I’ve got what it takes.  

Today, I’m writing this post – so that I can restore my faith in myself. Join in, maybe. It helps when you’re unsure.