(more…)When the activities that we do turn into a race or become a subconscious reason to prove ourselves, they lose their charm.
Category: Thoughts
Doesn’t Feel the Same

It’s Painful … and Then You Move On

(more…)You’ll face multiple moments when the answer to your questions will be no, and the outcomes that you get will be disappointing.
Acute Attentiveness Towards Feelings

(more…)I’m talking about analyzing and dissecting feelings here. Now, you may see it as a worthless obsession or prefer to discover the underlying meaning.

(more…)The stuff on your mind can feel full and fuzzy. It consumes your attention and sucks your energy … unless you choose to resolve it or get rid of it.
What Makes Solitude Scary?

(more…)Some people find seclusion unbearable. They get uneasy when they’re on their own. And that’s somehow puzzling, as after all, why must someone be scared of being left with oneself?