(more…)Here’s a quick list of irrelevant life tips that I absolutely believe in. They have either made me extremely happy, moved me in many ways, or have been useful at a certain point in life.
Category: Thoughts
The Short List of Irrelevant Life Tips

Questioning Your Excuses

(more…)Deep inside our hearts, we know whether we’re being sincere or merely kidding ourselves.
Journaling When You Can’t

(more…)Journaling can occupy a special place in your life: as a way to document interesting scraps from life, mark significant events, or to create a timeline to revisit memories and work as a time machine.
When You Question Your Abilities

(more…)Although I’d like to nail everything I do, I fail badly. It sucks to admit how my doubts hinder me. I often question my abilities and become stuck – I’m as human as it gets.
On Sweeping Problems Under the Rug

(more…)We dodge our problems. But they always return with a greater impact. The problems that we bury or run from don’t go anywhere.
Running Away From It

(more…)“Pay attention. Listen to your emotions. Acknowledge what hurts you or moves you.”